

Korean Hair Research Society
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대한모발학회 학술대회는 1년에 한 번 개최되며, 해외학자 초청강연, 특강 및 교육 강연, 각종 구연 및 포스터 연제 발표 등으로 이루어지는 대한모발학회의 꽃이라고 할 수 있습니다. 제 1차 및 제 2차 심포지엄을 거쳐 2006년 제 3차 대회 때부터 정식 학술대회의 면모를 갖추게 되었습니다.

대한모발학회 학술대회 역대학술활동

  • 제20차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2024년 5월 26일(일) 서울삼정호텔
    초청 국외연자
    1. Maria Hordinsky (Minnesota University): What's possible - Are the patients with alopecia areata getting the most appropriate treatment for their condition?
    2. Paul Kiarash Khosrotehrani (Queensland University): Hair regeneration strategies in 2024: How can we cure scarring alopecias?
    3. Ramon Grimalt (Catalunya International University): Is there place for Finjuve in Androgenic alopecia?
    4. Manabu Ohyama (Kyorin University): Current strategy for the management of severe alopecia areata in Japan
    5. Misaki Kinoshita-Ise (Kyorin University): Development of diagnostic techniques for hair loss diseases
  • 제19차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2023년 5월 28일(일) 서울 더케이호텔
    초청 국외연자
    1. Amos Gilhar (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel): Key open questions that have accompanied me in 45 years during alopecia areata research
    2. Jerry Shapiro (NYU Grossman School of Medicine, USA): Baricitinib: An evolution in the treatment of alopecia areata
    3. Taisuke ito (Hamamatsu univ., Japan ): Potential of JAK inhibitors in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata
    4. Maksim Plikus (Univ. of California, Irvine, USA): Activating effects of the stem cell niche on hair growth
    5.  Reiko Kageyama (Hamamatsu univ., Japan): Trichoimmunology-lesson from hair diseases
  • 제18차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2022년 5월 29일(일) 서울 삼정호텔
    초청 국외연자 (온라인)
    1. Brett King (Yale University, USA): 1) JAK inhibitors for alopecia areata: it's time to rethink old ideas; 2) A revolution in dermatology: JAK inhibitors for refractory skin disease
    2. Ya-Chieh Hsu (Harvard University, USA): Skin Deep: Stem cells at the nexus of the niche, physiology, and the external environment
  • 제17차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2021년 5월 30일(일) 서울 삼정호텔
    초청 국외연자 (온라인)
    1. Wilma F. Bergfeld (Cleveland Clinic, USA): What is the International Federation of Hair Research Societies (IFHRS) and What is it’s association with the World Congress of Hair Research
    2. Angela M. Christiano (Columbia University, USA): JAK inhibitors: New treatment approaches for alopecia areata
    3. Hironobu Fujiwara (RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan): Origin and induction process of hair follicle stem cells
    4. Rodney Sinclair (Sinclair Dermatology, Australia): Minoxidil, Mechanism of action and utility in the treatment of pattern hair loss
  • 제16차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2020년 8월 30일(일) 서울드래곤시티 그랜드볼룸
    학술프로그램 (국내연자)
    Spatial transcriptomic approach to hair research 외 17 연제
  • 제15차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2019년 5월 26일(일) 연세대학교 백양누리 그랜드볼룸
    초청 국외연자
    1. Thomas L Dawson (Skin Research Institute, Singapore): Maintaining your mane: mitochondrial metabolism as a target for hair treatment
    2. Manabu Ohyama (President of SHSR, Kyorin University, Japan): Revisiting the pathophysiology of hair loss disorders for better management - a physician-scientist's approach -
    3. Koji Sugawara (Osaka City Univ., Japan): Neuroendocrine system in hair growth -Is cannabinoid receptor-related signaling a new regulator of hair biology
    4. Masaki Uchiyama (Tokyo Medical Univ., Japan): Folliculitis decalvans: Study of clinical and histopathological features
    5. Akio Sato (Tokyo Memorial Clinic, Japan): Ten-year efficacy of finasteride in 532 Japanese men with androgenetic alopecia
    6. Kevin McElwee (Univ. of Bradford, UK): Review update on alopecia areata
  • 제14차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2018년 5월 27일(일) 연세의료원 종합관 337호, 211호
    초청 국외연자
    1. Sotaro Kurata (Kurata Clinic, Japan): A new option for the treatment of AGA using LLLT and/or red LED in the new Japanese Guideline 2017 for AGA
    2. Claire Higgins (Imperial College London, UK): Harnessing the hair follicle to promote healing
  • 제13차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2017년 5월 28일 일요일 연세의료원 종합관 337호, 331호
    초청 국외연자
    1. Luis Garza (Johns Hopkins Univ., USA): 1. Noncoding dsRNA induces hair follicle neogenesis 2. Will Prostaglandin D2 inhibitors treat androgenetic alopecia?
    2. Taisuke Ito (Hamamatsu Univ., Japan): Who is a key player in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata?
  • 제12차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2016년 5월 29일 가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원 지하1층 대강당
    초청 국외연자
    1. Xingqi Zhang (First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat‐sen University, China): Clinical aspect of alopecia areata on pathogenic factors and treatment
    2. Shigeki Inui (Osaka University, Japan): From bench to hair clinic: Leptin as an anagen inducer for red LED-induced hair growth stimulation
    3. Koh-ei Toyoshima (RIKEN, Japan): Fully functional hair follicle regeneration via the in vitro reconstruction and transplantation of the bio-engineered hair follicle germs
    4. Joyce Lee (National Skin Center, Singapore): Histopathological findings in alopecias: An overview
    5. Ralph Trüeb (University of Zurich, Switzerland): Hamamelis virginiana-based scalp care and protection for sensitive scalp, red scalp, and scalp burn-out
  • 제11차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2015년 5월 31일 가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원 지하1층 대강당
    초청 국외연자
    1. Sarah E. Millar (University of Pennsylvania, USA): Wnt/β-catenin signaling controls proliferation but not survival of hair follicle stem cells
    2. Michael Philpott (Queen Marys School of Medicine and Dentistry, UK): Perspectives on human hair follicle organ culture and future developments
    3. Sung-Jan Lin (National Taiwan University, Taiwan): Organ neogenesis of hair follicles
    4. Wen-Yu Wu (Fudan University, China): Hair transplantation in China
  • 제8차 세계모발연구학회 (World Congress for Hair Research)
    2014년 5월 14-17일 제주국제컨벤션센터
    대한모발학회 주최 (대회장: 이원수)
    참가자: 871명(국내-452, 국외-265, exhibitor; 154)
    Malassezia yeast and seborrheic dermatitis 외 238 강좌 및 일반연제
  • 제10차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2013년 5월 26일 백범김구기념관
    초청 국외연자
    1. Regina C. Betz (Germany): 1. Latest news about the genetics of alopecia areata, 2. Identification of genes for hypotrichosis simplex
    2. Wilma Bergfeld (USA): 1. Androgen excess and hair growth, 2. Lichen planopilaris update
    3. Taisuke Ito (Japan): Recent advances in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata
    4. Chih-Chiang Chen (Taiwan): Multi-layered environmental regulation on the homeostasis of stem cells
  • 제9차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2012년 6월 3일 백범김구기념관
    초청 국외연자
    1. Mayumi Ito (NYU, USA): Coordinated activation of Wnt in epithelial and melanocyte stem cells initiates pigmented hair regeneration
    2. Takashi Matsuzaki (Shimane University, Japan): Expression of clock genes is differentially controlled between follicular epithelia and dermal papillae during hair cycles
    3. Maria Hordinsky (University of Minnesota, USA): Alopecia areata: biomarkers and clinical trials, quest for a safe and effective therapy
  • 제8차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2011년 9월 18일 코엑스 회의실 Hall E (3층)
    초청 국외연자
    1. Gen Yamada (Wakayama Medical University, Japan): Roles of growth factor cascades in epithelial formation; an emerging strategy with conditional mutant mouse models
    2. Ramon Grimalt (University of Barcelona, Spain): Congenital atrichia and hypotrichosis
    3. Xue Zhang (Peking Union Medical College, China): Genomic basis of congenital generalized hypertrichosis
    4. Andrew Messenger (Royal Hallamshire Hospital, UK): Current and new aspects of female pattern hair loss
  • 제7차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2010년 6월 13일 밀레니엄 힐튼 호텔
    초청 국외연자
    1. Bruno Bernard (France): New Insights into Hair Biology
    2. Abraham Zlotogorski (Israel): Desmosomal- related genotrichoses
    3. Gill Westgate (UK): Predisposition to hair loss and other hair characteristics- Nature versus Nurture?
    4. Ken Washenik (USA): Emerging therapies in the treatment of hair loss
    5. Robert Glen Calderhead(UK): Role of LED therapy in hair regrowth and scalp care
  • 제6차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2009년 5월 24일 밀레니엄 힐튼 호텔
    초청 국외연자
    1. Sung-Jan Lin (National Taiwan University, Taiwan): Hair regeneration and hair growth promotion- perspective from biomedical engineers
    2. Ralf M Trüeb (University of Zurich, Switzerland): Nutrition and Hair Growth
    3. John P. Cole (The cole hair transplant group, USA): Advantages of Individual Follicular Group Harvesting and a Comparative Follicular Anatomy between Ethnic Populations
  • 제5차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2008년 5월 25일 밀레니엄 힐튼 호텔
    초청 국외연자
    1. Yasuyuki Amoh (Kitasato University, Japan): Multipotent Nestin-positive, K15-negative Hair Follicle Stem Cells Isolated from the Top of Bulge Area Can Promote Regeneration of Nerve Injury
    2. Rodney Sinclair (University of Melbourne, Australia): New Innovations in Female Pattern Hair Loss
    3. Tomoyuki Takahashi (Shibuya Takahashi Clinic, Japan): Introduction about the Latest Hair Removal Technology of SmoothCool HR by the High Peak Pulse with Its Utmost Cooling System
  • 제4차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2007년 5월 27일 밀레니엄 힐튼 호텔
    초청 국외연자
    1. Manabu Ohyama (Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan): Human hair follicle bulge: Characterization, isoloation and future application
    2. Jerry Shapiro (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada): Cicatricial alopecia: Diagnosis and management
  • 제3차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2006년 5월 28일 밀레니엄 힐튼 호텔
    초청 국외연자
    1. Walter P Unger (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada): Rational and Irrational limits in hair transplantation
  • 제2차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2005년 6월 19일 밀레니엄 힐튼 호텔
    초청 국외연자
    1. Robert thomas leonard Jr D.O. (University of New England college of Osteopathic medicine): What's new about MPHL patients managements and latest treatments
    2. Colin gerard D' sliva (Procter & Gamble Asia Ltd.): The role of shampoos/conditioners in hair and scalp care
  • 제1차 대한모발학회 학술대회
    2004년 11월 7일 밀레니엄 힐튼 호텔
    학술프로그램 (국내연자)
    탈모에서 Mesotherapy 외 9 강좌